WRRC Seminar
November 17, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
Watershed Conservation in the Waipā Stream Watershed Near Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘iby Matt Rosener
Waipā Foundation
The Waipā Foundation is restoring the physical and cultural vibrancy of the Waipā ahupua‘a through the creation of a Hawaiian community center and learning center. The non-profit Foundation, through a lease and partnership with Kamehameha Schools, manages the Waipā Stream Watershed property. Their ongoing efforts to implement Best Management Practices for watershed health have already resulted in improved water quality and the transformation of an aquatic habitat in the lower reaches of the Waipā Stream. They use a holistic approach for stream restoration, mauka reforestation and erosion control, feral ungulate removal, cesspool replacements, and taro lo‘i management throughout the ahupua‘a with a combination of traditional and science-based resource management, and best practices. For example, restoration of a degraded segment of Waipā Stream focused on the removal of Hau Bush, Albizia, and other invasive species. These are replaced with native and cultural plant communities that are managed as agroforestry units that provide both habitat enhancement for native species and resource production for the human community. This presentation will cover some of the successes and challenges our team has experienced through this evolving project.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 942 4263 8971
Passcode: 297211
Event Sponsor
WRRC, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Keri Kodama, 956-3097, kodamak8@hawaii.edu