ORE Seminar: Acoustics: From Cavitation to Detection in Clutter

November 6, 3:15pm - 4:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki B101

Bubble dynamics and cavitation have had prominent roles in acoustics since Lord Rayleigh’s pioneering work noise from ship propellers. Ocean applications are highlighted with respect to ambient noise produced from snapping shrimp off the coast of Hawaii. Snapping shrimp produce sounds by closing an enlarged claw rapidly, creating a cavitation bubble with a water jet. Snapping shrimp sound production has not been previously measured in natural environments with recording levels commensurate with the transient nature of the cavitation bubble sound. Previous field studies have investigated time averaged spectra over time scales of days from data sampled at reduced intervals. Nonlinear time series analysis is used to investigate hourly and diurnal variations. Implications for detection and tracking of AUVs and boats in the cluttered sub-tropical coastal region is highlighted. Acoustics cavitation detection and classification also plays an increasingly important role in water entry. Recent experiments and analysis of acoustics of entry from spheres is mentioned as well as work on impact of viscoelastic materials on hydrophobic surfaces.

Event Sponsor
Ocean and Resources Engineering, Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-7572,

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