Brown Bag Biography with Denisa Krásná
February 9, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Biomed B-104 and Zoom
The Center for Biographical Research presents: / “Flow: Outdoor Counternarratives by Women from Rivers, Rock, and Sky†/ Denisa Krásná, Doctoral Candidate and Student Assistant for Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS), Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic / In this Brown Bag talk, Denisa Krásná introduces her forthcoming lifewriting collection on outdoor counternarratives. Co-edited with Alena Rainsberry, the collection features the personal stories of women whitewater kayakers, climbers/mountaineers, and highliners from North America and Europe, with the aim of visibilizing female experiences in “extreme†sports. Though the book primarily focuses on the female experience, the authors take an intersectional approach in their analysis of the role of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the social construction of "extreme" sports, as well as in their consideration of disparities in access to the outdoors./ Denisa Krásná is a doctoral candidate at the department of English and American Studies at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, specializing in critical animal studies, ecofeminism, and North American Indigenous literatures. Last year, she was awarded a grant to develop a research project on decolonial outdoor counternarratives, focusing on representation of women in extreme sports. She has conducted research in Mexico, Spain, US, and Canada. An avid highliner and climber, Denisa strives to find balance in life so that she can pursue both her academic and outdoor goals. /Cosponsored by Hamilton Library, the HawaiÊ»inuiÄkea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, the School of Cinematic Arts, the School of Communication & Information, the Departments of Anthropology, History, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies / Thursday, February 9/ Zoom / 12 noon to 1:15PM HST / Zoom link: Zoom Meeting ID: 978 1926 1096/ Password: 246138
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Caroline Zuckerman, 8089563774,
Thursday, February 9 |
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography with Denisa Krásná Mānoa Campus, Biomed B-104 and Zoom
3:00pm |
National Student Exchange Informational Meeting Mānoa Campus, Meeting will be held on zoom.
3:00pm |
Menstrual Pad Workshop Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliokalani Center, Room 412
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13th Critical Issues on Korean Studies Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium